New control panel migration is complete, our billing section was not migrated properly so urging everyone to test their sites fully, have 7 days before old drive is wiped and nothing can be done at that point if your site had some missing files folders etc.
So please test your site fully, we will not be able to do anything after the 7 days period to recover any files that did not get migrated over.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. The new control panel as all the same features however will require some getting used.
Login instructions for new control panel :
Open your browser and go to your server’s IP address or domain name at port 2443 and the /siteworx flag, for example: or https://yourdomain:2443/siteworx.
On the login screen, enter the email address associated with your
domain account you signed up with, the username and password you created
for the domain (password and username remains the same as you had